To date collected: R9,400
Target: R 50,000
Shortfall: R 41,600
As salaamu alaikum
It is that time of the year again when the bite of winter has set in. Let us remember our fellow citizens who spend their nights in the open with little or no cover during these cold nights.
The SIA is intending to distribute blankets to the homeless in the greater Sandton area only this year, therefore limiting the number of blankets to 500 for this year. The cost of a blanket is estimated at R 100, requiring a total of R 50,000.
Please donate generously and deposit your funds into the following account only
Sandton Islamic Association
Standard Bank
Branch Code 018-105
Branch Sandton City
Account No 021 532 214
We will be cutting off donations once the target is achieved.
In addition, kindly take note that the distribution of blankets will take place as follows
Date Friday, 27 May
Time After Esha
Departure Point Musjid Ud Duha
All volunteers to kindly submit your name and contact details to by the 13th May to facilitate logistics.
Shukran for your generosity and May Allah bless all contributors and volunteers.
Was salaam