About Our Madrassah

Coming soon


At Sandton Islamic Association, we offer a
variety of classes.


Fee Structure
Payment Method
Banking Details

Contact Details

Contact details for relevant
members of our staff.

We have targeted remote areas where the need truly is dire. In Loisaba we had recipients fainting due walking all night from afar and in the heat of the day to come to the point of distribution without having had a wholesome meal

We can only pray that we keep getting the support needed to help these hard hit communities in the country. We wish to give a special thanks to all members who continuously sacrifice their time and put themselves at risk to support the cause.

In Budalangi families that have lost all they had houses, farms, livestock etc their entire livelihoods washed away by floods caused by nearby rivers bursting their banks.

We can only pray that we keep getting the support needed to help these hard hit communities in the country. We wish to give a special thanks to all members who continuously sacrifice their time and put themselves at risk to support the cause.


Application Process

Should you wish to enroll your child at Sandton Islamic Association (SIA) ,the following would need to be completed and submitted to the Principal ( :

Madrasah Application form
Debit order form
Code of Conduct


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